Saturday, July 24, 2010

Farmers' Market 2010

Here in Bellingham during the summer, we are blessed with two days to attend the Farmers' Market, Saturday in Bellingham proper, and Wednesday afternoons in Fairhaven (south Bellingham). This morning, Saturday, I got to the market before the opening bell at 10:00, because my favorite kale is usually gone within minutes from this stand. More than half a dozen people were lined up to get their organic veggies, I was not the only one.
Once I purchased the veggies I could afford (they are not cheap, these organic goodies), I headed over to the fruits and bought a quart of these blueberries. They come in two varieties, and the vendor let me taste them both. One is sweeter; the other is more tart. I went with the sweet ones, but they are both very good. The sun is shining brightly, and I saw this little guy with his parasol, gracing the sunflowers and sign. (As usual, you can click any picture to enlarge.)
As I wandered around the market, snapping pictures, I was told to look for a booth handing out free hugs, but I couldn't find it. I did see this picture, which shows in the background how busy the market was beginning to get, and it had only been open for half an hour. Most people were there to buy, not just to look, judging from the the packages in hand. I was tempted by these tomatoes.
In the far corner, a group of young girls were playing their string instruments to a receptive audience. I stayed and listened for awhile but soon felt it was time to make my way home with my groceries.
On the way out, I saw my friends Gene and Greg, looking like silverbacks with the sun behind them. Gene's parrot must have missed him while he was in Alaska fishing for six weeks (Gene was fishing, not the parrot). Now all seems right with the world with the sun shining, a light breeze, and very pleasant temperatures in the 70s.

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