Wednesday, July 14, 2010


What makes a day special for you? Is it waking up feeling good, with the sun shining but not too hot? Or is it smelling the coffee as a loved one makes a surprise breakfast?

For me, it's easy. I love to wake up and get a cup of tea, then come back to bed to read what my blogging friends have been up to since I last visited at their place. Today I am recovered from last week's exertions, and the sun rose without any of the marine layer that has affected us since we left the heat wave behind. It was even cold (48 degrees F) on the 14th day of July!! Yes! And by the time I caught the bus to town for my daily workout at the gym, it was almost 60 degrees. Now it's 70 and perfect.

But the best part was finding some of my blogging friends who don't blog every day had put up some new posts. Vagabonde over at Recollections of a Vagabonde (one of my favorites) wrote about what July 14 means to her, being French and all, about her grandfather, and about a song. The post brought grateful tears to my eyes, and I hope anyone who doesn't already know her will visit sometime. You won't be sorry.

Robynn over at Robynn's Ravings is lamenting the way our children up and leave us, with nary a backward glance. She does this with such humor and even a little pathos that I also teared up. Maybe it's just me, today, happy to be alive and counting my blessings. Things sometimes get to me, in a good way.

Even though she's gotten into the habit lately of writing almost every day, Linda at A Slower Pace has become a friend whose journey toward health and wholeness fascinates me, and I smile when I see she's got a post I haven't read yet. What is it about some people who can come through the written word and make me CARE so much?? It's a mystery, but it's another reason I love blogging.

I didn't feel like coming home right away after my workout and shower, so I caught the bus to Fairhaven, a short ride to the southern part of Bellingham. It's always fun for me to go to the Village Bookstore. I hardly need an excuse, but I rummaged around for books that have been recommended on blog posts. Somebody (I don't remember who at the moment) suggested Harlan Coben, a mystery writer I've never read before, so I picked up a used book to give him a try. I ordered 7 Secrets of Synchronicity after reading Trish and Rob MacGregor's blog for a while (they wrote it).

My life is very full for many reasons, not the least of which is my connection to the blogosphere and to my many virtual friends around the world. Some people use Facebook in the same way, but to me it's not the same at all. I also have a Facebook page, but I use it to catch up with old friends and family members, not new and deliciously exciting new acquaintances. I've only given you a taste of some of those who are over on the right-hand side of my blog, "Fun Places to Visit."

You light up my life. Really.

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