Sunday, January 23, 2011

My Organized Home, Part 1- The Colorful Calendar

I don't know about you, but I would be completely lost without my calendar! I have four calendars to keep me on track... my Microsoft Office one in my laptop, one in my BlackBerry (which I regularly sync with Micro Office), one on my bathroom wall (which is only there for moral support- no writing), and my most favorite- our big family one in the kitchen. (I came up with this idea a few years ago after being frustrated that I couldn't plan ahead with my big "wipe-off" calendar.)

With four school-aged children and now working part-time, I would go insane without a visual display of our daily activities! And with 6 lives to keep track of, just a big calendar wasn't going to cut it either. I had to add some color so I could remember the "who's, what's and where's" at a glance; and it's been working wonderfully ever since! Here's what our February already looks like... Aaaaa! But since everyone has a different color, I won't be losing my mind too much.

And thanks to Heather, I have a new/improved frame for my big calendar. She made one for herself, then one for me. She's the best!! (I gave my other one to my sister.)

So my first 2011, Organized Home tip is that if you are tired of your wipe-off board with only one month at a time, or your family calender is just not big enough; don't fret! Go get yourself a desk calendar (for $5 at Walmart) and some pens in different colors (also cheap at Walmart- in a package with red, orange, green and purple). I swear by it!!

You can make a frame for it like my original, or one like my new one that Heather made!

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