Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Benign nodules

Not only are the crocuses finally beginning to bloom, but I got a call from my doctor's office this morning telling me that the two thyroid nodules biopsied last Friday are not cancerous. The nurse said that the doctor suggested I have another ultrasound in six months to ascertain any changes in them, but for now, there is nothing to be concerned about! That was very good news, and then I saw that the crocuses have decided to show their beauty, several weeks later than last year, but still, here they are!

I am struggling with the time change, along with everyone else. Today on the bus, I saw at least three students on their way to Bellingham Technical College (the bus stops there on the way to town) snoozing in their seats. Since I just spent three weeks in the Eastern Time Zone and had finally begun to adjust, now this little hour time change seems to have my biorhythms mightily confused. I went to bed early and woke before 5:00 am. Shouldn't I be going in the other direction? The sunlight at the end of the day will be welcome, once we actually get some. It's been day after day of rain and wind since I returned a week ago.

On Sunday I went lap swimming in the YMCA pool. Since I have joined the Y for another year, I'll be using their 20-yard pool to integrate this activity into my workout routine. It's sure not the same as swimming in Norma Jean's 25-yard-long outdoor Olympic-sized pool. I couldn't believe how warm the water was; it was almost like getting into a bathtub. They allow snorkels and fins during lap swimming, and I was disconcerted now and then by a guy's flippers who kept diving down to the bottom in the lane over from me. The lanes are quite wide, and I shared mine with another woman who swims at about the same pace as me. Another woman asked to join us, but I have never gone in circles as they suggested we might try. I swam my 44 lengths (a half mile) and noticed yesterday that my arms were a little tired, I figured from swimming.

Getting back into my usual routine has been harder than I anticipated. Is it because of all the emotional upset I've been through lately? As my day's activities have begun to fall into place, I am still looking for the serenity I seem to have misplaced.

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