Sunday, March 14, 2010


A couple of days ago I received an email from Cary Anderson, who will be sending me a book about The Eagle Lady soon, and he attached this gorgeous picture of an eagle in front of a beautiful crashing wave (click to enlarge). It reminded me that yesterday morning, while on a walk by the marina, I saw and heard a bunch of crows fighting over something. And in the middle of the crows, what should come by but an eagle, no more than a street's width away from us. The crows were being outmaneuvered by that eagle, who made a couple of passes and then swooped down to street level and hauled away a pigeon! At least that's what we figured it was, it was gray and had feathers.

I've been playing with the new blogger templates and trying to figure out how to stretch the banner, which I think needs to be resized. You will probably be finding lots of us trying out this and that to figure out which templates we like best. I will probably go back to one of the simpler templates, because you have more control over the size of fonts on the entire page, rather than just what shows up in the body. Several of the blogs I follow have done some amazing things with the new templates, and I am anxious to use the new "pages" feature, but that means I've got to write and organize my site first. I'm beginning to feel a little overwhelmed. I wanted to make the sidebar fonts bigger, and this one doesn't give me that option.

I did download Google's browser, Chrome, and I must say it does work faster, so between Firefox, Safari and Chrome, I've got a whole lot of organizing to do before I get to the task of working out pages. I did get my usual Sunday post up on my other blog, but now I've got to work on this one. I notice that I feel a little constrained over here at DJan-ity and wonder where that is coming from. Surely it's some internal desire to PLEASE that is left over from my working days. Or is it?

I'm glad that not everybody posts something new every day, because I am falling behind in reading and commenting, and I so much appreciate it when others comment so I know you are out there, that I feel an obligation to let you know how much I love your posts. The cyber-coffeeklatch may exist in many time zones all over the planet, but if I get behind for a day or so, I begin to feel like I might miss out on something really important. Or fun. If it were not for Google Reader, I don't think I would follow so many people. I went through my list and could not find one I felt comfortable leaving off. So there you have it: imprisoned by the talent of my wonderful blogging buddies!

I am just finishing up a very good book, Complications: A Surgeon's Notes on an Imperfect Science by Atul Gawande, a doctor who writes about the power and limits of medicine in three parts: Fallibility, Mystery, and Uncertainty. I'm on the last part and frankly, I had trouble putting the book down last night. Today I'll finish it and check out some other books he's written.

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