Monday, March 22, 2010

Bleeding heart liberal

Yes, that's me: a bleeding heart liberal. This picture is of a gathering of bleeding hearts, taken yesterday outside my apartment. I'm the fourth one from the left :-)

I was tossed from jury duty once when the prosecutor questioned me on the stand during jury selection. I knew he had asked the kinds of questions that branded me as one. But the truth is, I didn't want to be on that jury anyway. I had already made up my mind that the defendant shouldn't walk, so they were right to send me packing.

But this bleeding heart liberal is heartened by the passage of the health care reform bill, even if it is so much less than I had hoped for. I was pushing for the public option, which is what all of us on Medicare have, as well as what all those Congresspeople have. Every other developed country in the world has a system to take care of its citizens, and soon (in four years, that is) we will have it too.

As of today, however, insurance companies can no longer refuse to cover children because they have a pre-existing condition or raise the insurance rates so high that the parents can't pay. We have to wait until 2014 for this to take effect for the parents, however. The bill is not perfect, by any means. You can read here what ten immediate effects will take place when President Obama signs the bill into law.

Yesterday was World Water Day, too. I think I'll write a post about bottled water tomorrow, since it's quite an important issue. Today, though, I wanted to say thank you to all those who fought so hard to get the health care reform bill passed.

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