Saturday, October 8, 2011

One of those unsettled days

This was taken from my front porch this morning. If you compare it to this picture taken last week from almost the exact same spot, you might be able to understand why I was just SURE that the weather forecast for today (fog, then rain) was spot on. I was wrong. The sun is shining gloriously out there right now (3:00pm), but it barely made it into the sixty-degree range (15 degrees C). The sun shining through the fog gave me a good silhouette for the flicker who was dining on the suet feeder.
He's got a bit of suet in his beak. We listen for his call nowadays and keep out of sight through the window so we won't scare him when he comes for breakfast. I do love seeing all the birds who come to visit on our porch. This one (I believe he's the one) was taught how to use the feeder last year by his parent, and I tried unsuccessfully to get a picture of the two of them; he's a bit smaller than the others who visit, which is why I think he's the young one.

After deciding to skip the last swimming class but head to the Farmers' Market for some veggies and then swim afterwards, the sun came out and lifted my spirits. It turned out to be a beautiful day, and I captured this picture while waiting in line for my collards and kale.
The beauty of the fractalish cauliflower in the middle, surrounded by a pink strain of cauliflower, created a picture I couldn't resist. There was a bit of sunshine lighting up the center spiral. Now I am at home, looking out at the same front porch scene that was so foggy earlier. The brilliant sunshine makes me just the tiniest bit sorry I didn't go take my chances at Snohomish, hoping for a skydive, but today is turning out to be a very satisfying one, nevertheless.

After my purchases at the market, I walked over to the YMCA and met two of my fellow classmates in the swimming class, who were just finishing up. I got what I wanted out of the class; I now am able to keep kicking when I breathe and it will eventually become second nature. I decided that the flip turn at the end of the lane is not for me, since I'm not trying to set any records and really don't like all that water going up my nose. And I now can swim the backstroke. It was good to have a professional watch me, but all of those drills are not my style at all.

It's looking like we might be able to get together tomorrow, the Trailblazers that is, and maybe make one last "extra" hike before the snow flies. Al is suggesting possibly heading down past Marblemount and trying for Hidden Lake Peak. Sounds just right to me (9 miles and 3,300 feet elevation gain to a lookout) if the weather cooperates. Since the High Country will be closed to us until spring, and we will be spending our Thursdays hiking close to home, I hope we can do one more. Time to change the batteries in my camera...

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