Sunday, June 13, 2010

Birthday Buttons

There's nothing (at least when you're a child) like letting the whole world know that it's YOUR special day!

I found these buttons, several years ago, at the Dollar Store. (I haven't been able to find them there since.) But I recently saw them at TARGET for around $3 in their party section.
I also thought it would be fun to make a more personalized button.
**This is a button that either the birthday child OR you, as the mom, could wear on their birthday!!**
I found some 2 1/2" buttons at JOANN's for 50 cents each!

1- With this button, I used a wallet-sized baby picture of my daughter and cut it to fit the circle.
2- I then put some number stickers on it for the year she was born.
3- I placed the picture, facedown into the button.
4- For added fluff, I just wrapped a pink ribbon around the front (on the outside of the button and simply taped the ends to the back of the picture...

5- Snapped on the back and walla! Done!

6- Oh, and I finished it off by making a bow and hot-glueing it to the ribbon.

I {Angela} have some more BIRTHDAY posts scheduled for this week and next; including birthday decorating ideas, my daughter's Princess Party (that just happened Saturday), and {my} birthday binders including some FREE printables for YOU!

{Heather} has some awesome things in store for us as well!! You won't want to miss out, so check back daily! Have a fabulous week!!

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