Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Blind Side

Yes, I'm definitely going to see a LOT of movies these days. I saw "The Blind Side" with two girlfriends on Monday, the day before "Avatar." It was a really inspiring feel-good movie, but I hadn't gotten around to writing a post about it before I saw Avatar, which knocked my socks off.

The Blind Side received a 70% freshness rating from Rotten Tomatoes. (As usual, the link takes you to the reviews over there. I like to give people a chance to see what all the positive and negative reviews have to say.) The film is another one of those movies that made me smile when I walked out of it, which is one of the things I hope for, rather than all down and depressed, like I felt after "Up In the Air," which is a fabulous movie, but I know way too many people who have been displaced and ruined in this economy for me to appreciate how good the movie actually is.

The story of Michael Oher, an NSF football player, is a true story, based partly on a book named "The Blind Side: Evolution of a Game" by Michael Lewis. The book is mostly about football and only partly about Oher, but the movie is completely about Michael Oher and how he was rescued from his impoverished childhood by Leigh Ann Tuohy, the wealthy mother who ends up adopting him. The actor who plays Oher was an unknown before this movie and does a great job. Leigh Ann is played by Sandra Bullock. Michael Medved gave The Blind Side four stars out of four, calling the film "funny, touching, [and] enormously satisfying." Medved added that, "Sandra Bullock's Oscar worthy performance is without question the best work of her career."

Not being much of a Sandra Bullock fan, I can't speak to that comment, but I do have to say if you want to see how a high-class Southern Christian mother became involved with this unlikely young man, and the wonderful things that came from her efforts, this is a movie you will enjoy.  Next week we are going to see another movie, not sure right now which one, but I'll definitely give you a review!

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