It started with the bus driver, who was dressed in saddle shoes, a poodle skirt and crinolines. I was only able to get a picture of her reflection in her rear view mirror, but I think she managed to be quite focused, even in all that pink. Her picture shows that even dressed like this she can still drive a mean bus.
This young man was dressed as a jackalope. I had to ask, since we guessed first a deer, then a rabbit, but of course, we were all wrong and should have realized that there are EARS and ANTLERS. What else could it be?
Ah, Bellingham on Halloween! It is only rivaled by Boulder, Colorado, my old home town, in creativity and participation. As we continued our walk around town, I spied this devil, who gave me permission to take her picture, and I trust that her profile is a little, well, padded.

I of course was also in costume, when I could stand it. Years ago I bought this wig with the weird gold scarf and a couple of pieces of frizzy hair sticking out. I wore this for approximately ten minutes, along with my trusty black cape, used for years as the basis of a Halloween costume. These are the only two things I managed to pack into my suitcase and bring forth from Boulder. Nobody here had seen it before, after all...
And just before we headed back to catch the bus, after a wonderful Halloween day wandering around our new home town, I got this picture of Husband, MJ, and Pat after our lunch (and my latest bird treats, held by said husband). I am in this picture, too, just on the other side of the camera. I am now happily blogging away with my laptop, anxious to get to my blogging friends to see their Halloween pictures. Some of them I've already seen because they put their stuff on Facebook. Life is good.

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