Apartment driveway in the rain
This is the time of year here in Bellingham when the rainbirds start to head south. That's what the old timers call those people who come here in the springtime and leave in the fall, when the rains begin and the days get shorter and shorter. This morning I overslept because the sun doesn't come up until 7:30am these days, and although I'm a morning person and wake up naturally, there must be some part of me that responds to the light, or lack of it.
Did you notice my new updated format? I wanted something that would allow me to change the top picture now and then. I took that picture of Mt. Baker last month and just love it, and Rae told me how to make it fit, so there you have it: my new look. I really love some of the blogs that my friends have, but I can't seem to find all the options that I want to be in one template, and fixing the html is just way too much like work. I found a new template but didn't like the spacing between the lines, so I went into the html to fix it, and boy was it a mess when I finished. This simple blogger template gives me the right spacing, so I think I'll stick with this one for awhile. If any of you have some tips of how YOU manage to create your gorgeous blogs, I'm sure wanting to hear about it.
I missed my Thursday hike. I didn't think it would be such a woeful feeling to skip one week, but when you go every week, it makes skipping one feel like you're an invalid. Invalid: what an interesting word, accent on the first syllable and you gimp around the room; accent on the second and that's what I feel like right now. Although I just got back from the gym, and today was the first time I was able to exercise enough to work up a good sweat, it just wasn't enough.
Which reminds me. The 30 Day Throw Down is now concentrating on exercise: how to get enough and how other people work it into their lives. I am sure willing to give you a tour of my gym, but there are always people working out in it, and I feel unsure about how to get pictures without making people upset at some cheeky broad taking pictures of them. I'll work on figuring out how to do that. I think Robynn (of the aforementioned blog) is temporarily without internet access in California. Doesn't this seem like it's happening a lot lately?

I took this picture looking up at the sky when the sun came out yesterday. The wind and rain are blowing all the leaves off the trees today, so I thought I'd give us a little treat to finish the blog. I'm watching it rain and listening to the wind. Not bad when one is sitting in a nice warm place with a beautiful iMac in front of her!
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