Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Since I'm really into couponing these days, I thought I'd share some info about it!

Here are some things I've personally learned about "couponing" in the past few months...
1. There really are such people as "couponers" (me being one of them now!), and we are not just "coupon clippers". We are down-right couponers, and there is an art (or skill) to it.
2. The vital part of being a skilled couponer is to be organized with it.
3. Couponing is addicting, and can be very consuming if we are not careful!
4. It's fairly time-consuming if you do it right, but as a SAHM it can be our way of helping with the family budget!
5. There are people that make couponing a whole lot easier and save you so much time and headache! Wanna know who they are on my computer?

Pinching Your Pennies is a biggy. If you haven't already, go to PYP and register, first and formost! You can get on their mailing lists for HOT Screamin' deal alerts to be sent to you daily, as well as being able to get on the forums and see what's hot in your area!

The SmartnSavvy Shopper. This is my dear friend, Jenn S's blog. This woman knows her stuff!! She was and is my couponing mentor, and one of the most genuine, and neatest people I know. She's a SAHM of 5 children, and a savvy homemaker. Girl's got talent!
FabuLESSly Frugal
A Thrifty Mom

Making Life Sweet
Krazy Coupon Lady
Living By the Coupon
Being Frugal is Fabulous
Thrifty is Nifty. She's got a lot of family preparedness ideas too!

This is just a handful of the ones I have bookmarked, the ones I visit the most. You will find many more on my right sidebar under "Deal Finders"! Let me know if your site/blog is not on that list and you'd like it to be!! I'd love to add you!

Some of these women offer couponing classes, and the first 5 are from my town.
Jenn, the SmartnSavvy Shopper, is taking sign-ups for her upcoming class on March 19th! I highly recommend her class! She also offers one on one training for those interested, and it's SO worth it!

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